Sat 20 Apr: Holy Saturday
8.30pm Candlelit Ceremonies of the Easter Vigil, including Holy Communion (St J’s)
Sun 21 Apr: Easter
8.00am Eucharist (Scottish Liturgy 1970) (Chancel)
9.15 am Morning Service (Crichton Memorial Church)
9.00am + All Age Communion (Church)
11.00am Sung Eucharist (1982) (Crèche facilities during service; refreshments afterwards)
Congregational lunch in aid of First Base Foodbank afterwards)
6.00pm Prayers for Healing (Church)
6.30pm+ DCN: Songs of Praise for Guid Nychburris: 6.30: Refreshments & Fellowship; 7.30pm: Worship starts. Venue: Dumfries High School DG1 1PX (TBC)