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(3rd in month)
Sunday, 17/10/2021: Pentecost 21


1982 Family Eucharist (Church); Godly Play (Hall); refreshments afterwards (Hall)

Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Fri, if possible


Zoom Coffee

07487 653069 for joining details


Choral Evensong (Church)

Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Fri, if possible

Any time*

Service online *Available on website from about same time as actual event & for some days thereafter

Monday, 18/10/2021
St Luke, Evangelist


Church Office open

Closed Monday & Friday this week


1982 Eucharist (Lady Chapel)

Please book: 07572 006290


Ignatian CLC Meeting (Meeting Room)

Just turn up

Tuesday, 19/10/2021


Church open for private prayer

Just turn up


A Time for Meditation (Meeting Room)

Just turn up


1982 Eucharist (Lady Chapel)

Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Monday, if possible

Any time*

Meditation online *Available on website from about same time as actual event & for some days thereafter

Wednesday, 20/10/2021


1970 Eucharist (Church), followed by refreshments (Hall)

Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Monday, if possible


Choir Practice (Hall) (except school holidays)


Thursday, 21/10/2021


Cake & Questions Discussion Group (Meeting Room)

[Not running as such at present]


Mothers’ Union Lunch & Guest Speaker (Hall)

Kim Tofield: Churches of Dumfries: History & Architecture


Bell Practice (Tower)

Please contact or 07754 596140 if not a regular.


Book Discussion Group (via Zoom)

John Ortberg’s Get Out of the Boat! All welcome. Details, inc joining instructions from Janice: 07487 653069

Friday, 22/10/2021


Church open for private prayer



Church Office open

Closed Monday & Friday this week

Saturday, 23/10/2021
St James of Jerusalem, Martyr


1982 Eucharist (Lady Chapel)


(4th in month)
Sunday, 24/10/2021


Sunday Worship: Crichton Memorial Church

Crichton Campus, Dumfries DG1 4ZZ


Holy Communion @ Maxwelton Chapel

Just off B729 between Wallaceton & Moniaive. DG3 4DX


1982 Family Eucharist (Church); Godly Play Activity Bags available; refreshments afterwards (Hall)

Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Fri, if possible


Zoom Coffee

07487 653069 for joining details


Contemporary Worship (Church)

Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Fri, if possible

Any time*

Service online *Available on website from about same time as actual event & for some days thereafter

And, as always, if you need us, you can contact

Please note there will be Choral Evensong this evening (Sunday), at 6pm, with an ensemble of St J’s Choir members.

If you would like to contribute a shoebox to the Blythswood Care Appeal for this year, please see the poster on the lit noticeboard or the St J’s website, pick up a checklist for box contents at the back of the church and speak to Ann Beaton. We don’t have much time: the van leaves the Tesco Extra carpark in Dumfries at 15.45 on Monday, 01/11/2021. There are collections from Kirkcudbright and Kilmarnock a day or two later, but it would be best if we could meet the Dumfries one. At this notice and in the present circumstances, shoe boxes are not that easy to find. There are some (slightly limited) alternatives. Please ask.

Catering: For many years, our catering, food hygiene and so on has been overseen by Jenny Lawson. Many people have kindly assisted with all sorts of aspects, but it has been Jenny who has taken responsibility for making sure we keep everyone safe, that we comply with Health & Safety and Food Hygiene regulations…and that we don’t run out of biscuits! Having done this so faithfully for so many years, Jenny feels it’s now time to step back. We’re delighted that Mary Solley has agreed to step into this rôle, but we cannot let the occasion go by without recording our sincere thanks to Jenny for all that she has done for so long. St J’s has built up a reputation for welcome and, specifically, hospitality over a number of years, and Jenny’s hard work and devotion to this aspect of Congregational life has been a large part of that. Thank you from all of us.

We have restarted our regular collection of items for First Base Food Bank. There are some stackable crates beside the lit noticeboard just inside the glass doors, into which items can be placed.

Advance Warning of a couple of upcoming items:

  • We are beginning a new Book Discussion, via Zoom, on Thursday, 21/10/2021 at 7.30pm, We will be following John Ortberg’s Get Out of the Boat!. More details, including Zoom joining instructions, from Janice: 07487 653069.
  • Zoom Prayer Meetings will resume, from Thursday, 28/10/2021 at 6.30pm. Again, details from Janice: 07487 653069.
  • There will be a Taizé-style service in the church at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 02/11/2021 (shortly after the Tuesday evening Eucharist, but you can come to either, or both). It would be helpful, but not essential, if you could book in (07572 006290) before 4pm on the Monday.

The latest edition of the SEI Newsletter is on the lit noticeboard and the St J’s website. Paper copies can also be had, on request, from the Office.

The October Mothers’ Union meeting will take place on Thursday 21st October, when there will be a talk by Kim Tofield, Churches of Dumfries – History and Architecture. Despite its name, MU is an inclusive organisation, supporting families and projects around the world. Anyone is welcome to come along – you do not have to be a mother, married, or even female! We will gather in the Hall from 12.30, with prayers at 12.45 and lunch at 1pm. Due to Covid restrictions we are unable to serve soup as we normally do, but please bring your own sandwich lunch, and tea and coffee will be provided. MU members look forward to welcoming you! There will also be a Eucharist on 4th November at 2pm in the Church, followed by refreshments in the Hall. All are welcome at this, likewise.


St John the Evangelist, Dumfries, is a parish of the Scottish Episcopal Church also serving Methodist parishioners locally.


You can donate to St John’s by credit or debit card by following these links.

St John’s Bellringers on Border Life video


Contemporary Service

Contemporary Service

The Contemporary Service is at 6pm, on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, followed by refreshments in the hall.


St John's Church

12 hours 44 minutes ago

This Sunday 16th February we have our Eucharistic Service at 11:00am. Our choral evensong is at 6pm. Do join us if you can, it would be great as ever to

St John's Church

1 day 10 hours ago

Everyone is very welcome to come along to St John’s Church, Dumfries, this Sunday, 16th February, at 6pm, where the choir of St John’s will be singing Choral Evensong.

St John's Church

1 day 10 hours ago

Everyone is very welcome to come along to St John's Church, Dumfries, this Sunday, 16th February, at 6pm, where the choir of St John's will be singing Choral Evensong.

St John's Church

1 week 20 hours ago

This Sunday 9th February we have our Eucharistic Service at 11:00am. Our contemporary service is at 6pm. Do join us if you can, it would be great as ever to