(1st in month) Sunday, 05/12/2021 |
08.00 |
1970 Holy Communion (Church) |
Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Fri, if possible |
11.00 |
1982 Family Eucharist (Church); Godly Play (Hall); refreshments afterwards (Hall) |
Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Fri, if possible |
14.00 |
Zoom Coffee |
07487 653069 for joining details |
18.00 |
Choral Evensong (Church) |
Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Fri, if possible |
Any time* |
Service online |
www.stjohnsdumfries.org *Available on website from about same time as actual event & for some days thereafter |
Monday, 06/12/2021 |
10.00-17.00 |
Church Office open |
Tuesday, 07/12/2021 |
14.00-16.00 |
Church open for private prayer |
Just turn up |
17.45 |
A Time for Meditation (Meeting Room) |
Just turn up |
18.30 |
1982 Eucharist (Lady Chapel) |
Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Monday, if possible |
19.30 |
Taizé-Style Worship (Church) |
Just turn up |
Any time* |
Meditation online |
www.stjohnsdumfries.org *Available on website from about same time as actual event & for some days thereafter |
19.15 |
Short Mat Bowling (Sep-Mar) (Hall) |
Just turn up |
Wednesday, 08/12/2021 |
10.30 |
1970 Eucharist (Church), followed by refreshments (Hall) |
Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Monday, if possible |
18.30 |
Choir Practice (Hall) |
18.30 |
Eucharist (Church) |
Conception of Mary |
Thursday, 09/12/2021 |
19.30 |
Bell Practice (Tower) |
Please contact bells@stjohnsdumfries.org or 07754 596140 if not a regular. |
Friday, 10/12/2021 |
10.00-12.00 |
Church open for private prayer |
10.00-17.00 |
Church Office open |
Saturday, 11/12/2021 |
09.30 |
Silent Prayer @ Elshieshields |
revann@stjohnsdumfries.org for details |
19.30 |
Music in Dumfries Concert: Gould Piano Trio (with Robert Plane, Clarinet) (Church) |
(2nd in month) |
11.00 |
1982 Family Eucharist (Church); Godly Play Activity Bags available; refreshments afterwards (Hall) |
Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Fri, if possible |
14.00 |
Zoom Coffee |
07487 653069 for joining details |
18.00 |
Contemporary Worship (Church) |
Just turn up |
Any time* |
Service online |
www.stjohnsdumfries.org, *Available on website from about same time as actual event & for some days thereafter |
And, as always, if you need us, you can contact
- The Rector on 01387 254126 / 07487 653069 / rector@stjohnsdumfries.org
- The Church Office on 07754 596140 / pastadmin@stjohnsdumfries.org
MU will be selling Christmas cards with a Christian theme today, 5th December, in the Hall after the service. Packets of 5 cards for £2.50 – please support MU in this way.
Service of Carols for Advent: 6pm tonight, Sunday, 05/12/2021.
I can still accept donations of blankets, clothing etc to pass on to MOOL, if you still have them. (See poster on lit noticeboard) David Kerr
You are very welcome to join the Advent Group, via Zoom, on Thursdays 25/11, 02/12, 09/12 and 16/12, at 7.30pm. We will be following A Strange Christmas by Krish Kandiah, which can be obtained from https://www.waverleyabbeyresources.org/product/cover-to-cover-advent-a-strange-christmas/, priced £6.99 + P&P (and also from Amazon). The book has 31 days’ worth of readings for Advent and also provision for four group discussions. Please let me know if you’d like to be part of this. David Kerr / pastadmin@stjohnsdumfries.org / 07754 596140
The Diocesan Advent Quiet Day, to be delivered on Saturday, 11/12/2021, via Zoom, 10.00 – 12.45, entitled God Has Visited His People. More details on the lit noticeboard and the St J’s website.
There is a sign up sheet on the lit noticeboard if you would like to go to the Rev Harriet Johnston (the artist formerly known as Harriet Oxley)’s Institution at Holy Trinity, Kilmarnock at 3pm on Sunday, 12/12/2021. We would need to depart St J’s at about 1pm on that day, and you should perhaps bring a ‘piece’ to have at coffee time after our own service. We need at least 10 people to make the minibus viable, but a smaller number than that should still be possible with cars. Return ‘fare’ (if we use the minibus) £13.
Mothers’ Union: 16 Days of Activism: began 25/11/2021 with Zoom Witness at 13.00 for Thursdays in Black, towards a world without rape and violence. All welcome to join. Please wear a black top. Zoom Link open from 12.45: 857 0079 3718; Passcode: 308596. Screen will be recorded.
Here is the photo from our vigil.
Mother’s Union, St. John’s, took part in the Global Day of Action to draw attention to Gender Based Violence which is so prevalent throughout the world. This is part of a UN initiative which Mothers Union supports. Members from our Branch and others gathered at the statue of Elizabeth Crichton to hold a three minute silent vigil for the victims of gender based violence. The Crichton Institution helped many victims of abuse over the years and members had made a wreath of black paper flowers to mark the occasion. This will now sit in the church for the sixteen days of Activism against Gender Based Violence and Abuse.
Mark Smith from the River of Life Church says… Jean Lamb from Dumfries Baptist Church has been doing a super job in liaising with the new manager of Loreburne Shopping Centre, for Carol Singing on Saturday 18th December from 11am. She says the manager is even planning to join us and take part! Please will you circulate this date with your congregation, so we can have a nice wee crowd from a range of Churches on the day.
Bethany Christian Trust are telling us about their participation in…One Donation, Double the Beds!: Next week on #givingtuesday, we would love you to join us and help Buy double the Beds! [If you’re reading this on paper, the Church Office can provide you with the link]. Every donation to Buy a Bed next week will be doubled by The Big Give initiative, until we reach our target of £20,000.
It’s the very first time we’ve taken part in the Big Give’s Christmas challenge and we’re so excited that your donations will have double the impact.
From 30th November to 7th December every £21 you donate towards Buy a Bed will be doubled, enabling the Welcome Centre to provide two people with a warm bed, hot food and individualised support to move on into more permanent accommodation. That’s one donation, double the impact!
In return, you can get a beautiful Christmas card to keep or give to your friends and family, showing that a bed has been purchased on their behalf.
Together we can end homelessness in Scotland, two people at a time.