The first Lent lunch of 2015 was held at St John’s on Friday when about 120 people attended to enjoy a tasty meal of soup, a roll, a piece of cake and a cup of tea.

The lunch was the first of six in the period before Easter with funds to be be given to Christian Aid. Last year, the lunches raised in excess of £4,000. Friday’s lunch raised £596, of which £133 came from sales from a stall run by the Dumfries Fairtrade Group.

Dumfries and District Christian Aid committee have been putting on Lent lunches for almost four decades. Volunteers for churches take it in turns to prepare and serve the meals – and the washing-up afterwards!

The Baptist Church on Newall Terrace had the honour of being the first this year to prepare the lunch and a fine job their helpers made of it.

The Fairtrade group had a stall groaning under the weight of some delicious-looking cakes and pastries made by members. They were also advertising the Fairtrade Fortnight that starts on 23 February.  There was also a stall from Traidcraft.

The first Christian Aid Lent lunch of the Easter period in the church hall.
The first Christian Aid Lent lunch of the Easter period in the church hall.


Smiles with the soup. From Dumfries Baptist Church, from left, Irene Reid and Iona Webster.
Serving the soup at the lunch on Friday were, from left, Irene Reid and Iona Webster, from the Dumfries Baptist Church.


St John the Evangelist, Dumfries, is a parish of the Scottish Episcopal Church also serving Methodist parishioners locally.


You can donate to St John’s by credit or debit card by following these links.

St John’s Bellringers on Border Life video


Contemporary Service

Contemporary Service

The Contemporary Service is at 6pm, on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, followed by refreshments in the hall.


St John's Church

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St John's Church

3 days 38 minutes ago

Sunday 15th September 2024 we have our Eucharistic Service at 11:00am and our Evensong at 6pm. You are most welcome to come along. Be great to see you. Tuesday Eucharist

St John's Church

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Everyone is very welcome to come along to St John's Church, Newall Terrace, Dumfries DG1 1LW at 6pm, this Sunday, 15th September for Choral Evensong, sung by the choir of

St John's Church

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