Sunday, 15/03/2020
Coronavirus prevention: There is more detailed guidance from the General Secretary of the Scottish Episcopal Church on the lit noticeboard, but, in outline, we are:
- Where possible, eliminating physical contact, whether handshakes or hugs, and, in particular, at the Peace
- Offering bread only at Communion
- Maintaining a respectful distance from each other and in particular when coughing or sneezing
- Staying away from church, groups etc. if feeling unwell.
- Offering pastoral support via phone or email, where required.
- The Rector is happy to chat with, or shop for, any member of the Congregation who is self-isolating. Contact her on 01387 254126 or 07487 653069.
Themes on Root Two is the title of an exhibition of paintings and drawings by Ian Frank, to be held at The Yellow Door Shop & Gallery, 16 Queen Street, Dumfries DG1 2JF from 10am – 5.30pm, Wednesdays to Saturdays between 26 February and 14 March. See poster on lit noticeboard. Ian has generously said that a percentage of the proceeds of sales during the exhibition will be gifted to the Lighting Fund.
Please see the separate fliers for details of Lent Groups
FIRST BASE FOOD PARCELS: Ian tells us that First Base have a shortage of packets of Savoury Rice and also packets of Pasta with Sauce. Apart from that it’s the usual goods that we try to provide. We have been helping First Base for some years now but sadly the need does not get any less. Please help us continue to support this very worthwhile cause.
Annette & Pauline.
Christian Aid in Lent: Count Your Blessings leaflets are available again this year (on unit, back of church, near hall door). They are a useful nudge to considering and praying about aspects of life we take for granted – such as running water – but which are not available to many people; and to donating to Christian Aid or another charity of your choice.
Lent Lunches are again proving very popular and continue in the Hall every Friday 12noon-1.30pm. Different churches will work together to raise funds for Christian Aid by offering soup, a filled roll and tea or coffee for a minimum donation of £3.50 (adults) and £2 (children). There will be the opportunity to buy a slice of cake and to shop at the sales table and Fairtrade Stall. St John’s is responsible for providing and serving the lunch on the 27th March. If you can help in any way please let Jenny Lawson know.
Mothers’ Union will be meeting on Thursday, 19/03/2020 at 12.30pm for lunch, followed by a talk from the Revd Jim Booth on Ministry in Africa.
Open plate collections during Lent will be going towards the Diocesan Lent Appeal for Glasgow City Mission (see posters).
Ann Shukman writes…Silent Prayer will be on Saturdays 14 March (NB this is a second Saturday!), 4 April, and 2 May. Usual times. All welcome.
Welcoming, Belonging, Involving were aspect of St J’s life about which most comments were made on the ‘eaves when the ‘tree’ was at the back of the church. The Vestry has considered the comments and developed some proposals, which , as promised, will be discussed with the Congregation on 29/03/2020 after the 11am service. More details are on the lit noticeboard by the angel font. Please do come and share your ideas as well.
There will be Choral Evensong at St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow, at 6.00pm on Sunday, 22/03/2020, including installation of Canons. The Thornhill minibus has been booked (minimum of 10 required to make it viable; £15 return). Bus will depart St J’s at 4pm. There is a sign up sheet on the lit noticeboard.
There is a new (6 page) Diocesan Update on the lit noticeboard at the back of the church. If you would like an electronic copy, please speak to Margaret Morton or David Kerr.