The new office bearers, except the Treasurer who was on holiday, were commissioned at our MU Eucharist held in October by The Rector who presented us with candles to mark the occasion.
The Treasurer was commissioned at the November Eucharist by Revd. Ann Wren, Diocesan Trustee who presented us with our certificates. A happy time was enjoyed by all with tea, cake and conversation.
At our October lunch meeting our speaker was Kim Tofield, our Treasurer, who gave us a wonderful presentation on the History and Architecture of many of the churches in Dumfries, both functioning and recycled. Kim’s research was extensive and the clear photos brought the subject to life. Many questions and much discussion followed and Kim was thanked for us by Maureen.
Our next lunch time meeting (bring your own sandwiches) will be on November 18 when member Jenny Lawson will talk about her collection of Triang dolls houses and what creative pleasure they give her. We welcome visitors at 12.30 .
[Photo shows, l to r, the Revd Ann Wren, Diocesan Trustee, Mary Solley, Lizanne MacKenzie, Kim Tofield, Carolynne Sorrell and the Revd Chris Wren]