Scottish Charity: SC023885
St John’s Church, Dumfries
Mothers’ Union is a global organisation and its members are active in 84 countries and work tirelessly to serve their communities whilst offering Christian care for families, regardless of faith or background. MU strives to end violence, end poverty, end injustice, building resilience, challenging prejudice, and advocating change.
View or download our 2021-22 programme below.
Some of the activities of St John’s members include support for Dumfries Women’s Aid, support for the Smalls for All charity in collaboration with the Diocese, provision of toiletries for people in hospital, participation in the MU network of prayer, and work with the Mothers’ Union in our twin Diocese of Byumba.
Despite its name, MU is an inclusive organisation, supporting families and projects around the world. Anyone is welcome to come along – you do not have to be a mother, married, or even female! There is a Eucharist on the first Thursday of each month, at 2pm. Our monthly meetings take place on the third Thursday of each month. Our guest speaker(s) give us a ‘window on the world’, raising awareness and challenging us to continue to serve as MU members. We gather in the Hall from 12.30, with prayers at 12.45 and lunch at 1pm. Due to Covid restrictions we are unable to serve soup as we normally do, but please bring your own sandwich lunch, and tea and coffee will be provided. MU members look forward to welcoming you!