
All-Age Services are usually held at 9.00am till 10-15am, every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, throughout the year. We begin with refreshments and music. So you can have breakfast here in the church if the start time might be a little early for you.

Please join the musicians at the start bringing your voice or your instrument. All are welcome to participate in any way that you can.

These services are designed to be All-Age friendly, with participation in a variety of responses to the bible readings. Every 4th service will concentrate on being a Communion service- with no breakout for responses.

Anyone who would like to help with the All-Age Services speak to Ann Toner – Co-ordinator, or Janice Aiton – Rector.


St John the Evangelist, Dumfries, is a parish of the Scottish Episcopal Church also serving Methodist parishioners locally.


You can donate to St John’s by credit or debit card by following these links.

St John’s Bellringers on Border Life video


Contemporary Service

Contemporary Service

The Contemporary Service is at 6pm, on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, followed by refreshments in the hall.


St John's Church

6 days 9 hours ago

Sunday 21st July 2024 we have our Eucharistic Service at 11:00am. You are most welcome to come along. Be great to see you. Tuesday Eucharist is as usual at 6:30pm

St John's Church

1 week 3 days ago

Just a handful of places (4 to be precise) remain available to children aged between Primary 1 and Primary 7 for a place on the St John's Holiday Club. This

St John's Church

1 week 6 days ago

Sunday 14th July 2024 we have our Eucharistic Service at 11:00am. You are most welcome to come along. Be great to see you. Tuesday Eucharist is as usual at 6:30pm

St John's Church

3 weeks 6 days ago

Sunday 30th June 2024 we have Matins at 9:30am and the Eucharistic Service is at 11:00am. You are most welcome to come along. Be great to see you. Tuesday Eucharist