(4th in month) |
09.15 |
Sunday Worship: Crichton Memorial Church |
Crichton Campus, Dumfries DG1 4ZZ |
09.30 |
Holy Communion @ Maxwelton Chapel |
Just off B729 between Wallaceton & Moniaive. DG3 4DX |
11.00 |
1982 Family Eucharist (Church); Godly Play Activity Bags available; refreshments afterwards (Hall) |
Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Fri, if possible |
14.00 |
Zoom Coffee |
07487 653069 for joining details |
18.00 |
Contemporary Worship (Church) |
Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Fri, if possible |
Any time* |
Service online |
www.stjohnsdumfries.org. *Available on website from about same time as actual event & for some days thereafter |
Monday, 25/10/2021 |
10.00-17.00 |
Church Office open |
Tuesday, 26/10/2021 |
14.00-16.00 |
Church open for private prayer |
Just turn up |
17.45 |
A Time for Meditation (Meeting Room) |
Just turn up |
18.30 |
1982 Eucharist (Lady Chapel) |
Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Monday, if possible |
Any time* |
Meditation online |
www.stjohnsdumfries.org. *Available on website from about same time as actual event & for some days thereafter |
Wednesday, 27/10/2021 |
10.30 |
1970 Eucharist (Church), followed by refreshments (Hall) |
Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Monday, if possible |
18.30 |
Choir Practice (Hall) |
Thursday, 28/10/2021 |
18.30 |
1982 Eucharist (Lady Chapel) |
Please book (07572 006290) if possible |
18.30 |
Prayer Meeting via Zoom |
07487 653069 for joining details. |
19.30 |
Bell Practice (Tower) |
Please contact bells@stjohnsdumfries.org or 07754 596140 if not a regular. |
Friday, 29/10/2021 |
10.00-12.00 |
Church open for private prayer |
Just turn up |
10.00-17.00 |
Church Office open |
19.30 |
St J’s Quiz Night (Hall) |
All Welcome: Just turn up |
Saturday |
(5th in month) |
09.30 |
Matins (Church) |
Please book (07572 006290) by 16.00 on Fri, if possible |
11.00 |
1982 Family Eucharist (Methodist Order) (Church); Godly Play Activity Bags available; refreshments afterwards (Hall) |
14.00 |
Zoom Coffee |
07487 653069 for joining details |
Any time* |
Service online |
www.stjohnsdumfries.org. *Available on website from about same time as actual event & for some days thereafter |
14.00 |
Forest Church (meet outside Crichton Church, dressed for weather) |
See posters/website nearer the time |
And, as always, if you need us, you can contact
- The Rector on 01387 254126 / 07487 653069 / rector@stjohnsdumfries.org
- The Church Office on 07754 596140 / pastadmin@stjohnsdumfries.org
There will be a Retiring Collection for the Bible Society on Bible Sunday (observed next Sunday, 31/10/2021)
If you would like to contribute a shoebox to the Blythswood Care Appeal for this year, please see the poster on the lit noticeboard or the St J’s website, pick up a checklist for box contents at the back of the church and speak to Ann Beaton. We don’t have much time: the van leaves the Tesco Extra carpark in Dumfries at 15.45 on Monday, 01/11/2021. There are collections from Kirkcudbright and Kilmarnock a day or two later, but it would be best if we could meet the Dumfries one. At this notice and in the present circumstances, shoe boxes are not that easy to find. There are some (slightly limited) alternatives. Please ask.
Advance Notice: Sunday, 07/11/2021 will be observed as All Saints at the 11.00 Eucharist. All Souls will be observed, on the same day, at Evensong. Cards for the names of loved ones to be particularly remembered on this day will become available beforehand.
We have restarted our regular collection of items for First Base Food Bank. There are some stackable crates beside the lit noticeboard just inside the glass doors, into which items can be placed.
A reminder of the MU Eucharist on 4th November at 2pm in the Church, followed by refreshments in the Hall. All are welcome at this.